
الاثنين، 4 أبريل 2011

Do you need more cash?


Silly question right? In this time of crisis, of course you need more cash! Everybody does! But have you considered how to earn more cash in your spare time using your PC and your access to the Internet? If you have, you can probably skip a lot of this article, because this article is really meant for the novice to earning an income on the net.

Earning a little extra online is actually not that difficult, but earning money without risking your shirt or investing half your savings is a lot harder. In this article you will learn how to progressively earn more without lots of risk, and you will learn how to steer clear of scams and unlawful schemes.

Learning the ropes

When you were small, you didn't go straight from crawling to riding bicycles - you first learned to walk and later on you learned to ride a bike. Riding a bicycle uses many of the skills you gained when learning to walk: balance to stay upright, staying alert to look where you are going, and avoiding obstacles like tables, chairs, trees and lampposts.

Something similar applies when you start earning online: you need to learn a few basic skills, learn how to avoid pitfalls, and recognise worthwhile projects. This takes time and practise, but once you get it right, you can progress to the real action.

The first step uses what are known as pay-to-surf sites. These are sites that pay you to visit other websites. You sign up for free, log in, and hit the "surf" button to view each website for a minimum time before moving on to the next one.

Simple, right?

Of course, it won't make you rich, you are earning only pennies at a time. But there is an important fact about pay-to-surf sites: everyone surfing there is interested in earning online. This fact attracts lots of advertisers who want their website to be viewed by such an audience - this is known as targeting. It's a very natural targeting system that ensures that you get to see various money-making opportunities just by surfing a pay-to-surf site.

Do you see where this leads? You can use a pay-to-surf site to investigate and study various business opportunities whilst getting paid to view them! This is a real win-win situation!

Naturally, the investigation and studying requires more than just viewing the websites, but as soon as you see an opportunity that appeals to you, you can research it further. The easiest research you can do (apart from reading the website) is to type the name of the opportunity into the Google search bar to find what others have to say about it. You can do the same with the name of the person who's advertising it - it can usually be found somewhere on the website.

This gives you a few clues as to the value of the opportunity, and the regard the Internet community has for the advertiser. Don't lose focus, though. Start by bookmarking the original website so that you can revisit it. Don't join anything until you have slept on it, especially if it involves some form of investment, enroll fee, or purchase. All truly worthwhile opportunities can wait at least a day or two, however urgent the advertiser makes it sound.

Avoiding pitfalls and scams

There is a site called Surf Junky that claims to pay you for surfing, just click on a site and get paid $0.45 per hour, they say. However, if you simply type "Surf Junky" into a Google search bar, you will not only see results relating to the site itself, but also what others have posted on the web regarding Surf Junky.

Go ahead, try it now in another window - this article will wait!

Many of those other posts show it to be a scam site, never paying its members. Some of the posts even suggest that your account will be deleted for some obscure reason when you reach the limit to be paid ($25). There are so many complaints about Surf Junky not paying that this is clearly a site you do NOT want to join.

Have you now noticed how easy it was to identify a scam site? You should always try this with any site you want to join, and maybe also Google the author's name. Of course, there are people who will complain about any site, but when there are several complaints in the top Google results for a website then this must be a site to avoid.

Once you have found a good site with a good reputation, you can also compare it to others. Just Google the key points about this site, and you may well find others that have a better setup, are more comprehensive, or are better priced. Certainly, you also need to check that these are not scams, but this way, you can narrow down your choices to the programs that suit you best.

Steps to success

There are several steps to take to achieve success, don't move on to the next step unless you are happy with the step you are on.

  1. Join a paid-to-surf site for free. A list of several of these sites can be found at the end of this article, but one you can start with straight away is this one. By joining this and surfing, you will come across several others - don't join them all, but joining 3 or 4 of them will give you a better view of what's available out there.
  2. Investigate the opportunities out there. One major thing to watch out for is what they are selling - if they don't appear to be selling anything then this is probably a Ponzi scheme (actually illegal, but there are plenty of them still to be found in net-land). One other important question you need to ask is: is the product worth what they are asking? Many multi-level marketing schemes thrive on over-priced products which bring in lots of cash to those who started the scheme, but these quickly die out due to lack of customers - who's going to pay, say, $57 for something they can get for $12 elsewhere?
  3. Decide which programs you want to join - at first these will likely be affiliate programs with products and advertising already set up for you. If you're not entirely certain what you need to do, choose a program that provides detailed training, and join that one first.
  4. Join the programs you have chosen. Just follow the instructions in the program.
  5. Keep tracking the programs and the results you get. Note what works and what doesn't. It is likely that there are programs you will give up on (once you figure out the problem with it), but there will be others giving you a good return.
  6. Use the experience you have gained to choose other programs, or even set up one of your own. To set up your own program, you will need your own website. Don't take this step until you are good and ready for it.
  7. Enjoy the fruits of your labour!
Appendix - List Of Good Pay-To-Surf/Click Sites
Hit Bandit
Easy Hits 4 U
Smiley Traffic
Gem Surf Hits


أخي الحبيب اعلم أن رأيك يهمنا , فإن كان نقداً فسيجعلنا نصلح من أنفسنا , وإن كان مدحاً فهو وسام على صدورنا , رجاء تجنب استعمال التعليقات لبث روابط إعلانية. كذلك ننبه إلى ضرورة الالتزام بصلب الموضوع و عدم الخروج عليه و لمزيد من التوضيحات يمكنك أخي الزائر قراءة سياسة الاستخدام الخاصة بالمدونة , وتذكر قول الله عز وجل (( مَا يَلْفِظُ مِنْ قَوْلٍ إِلَّا لَدَيْهِ رَقِيبٌ عَتِيدٌ))

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