
السبت، 26 مارس 2011

Make Money Through Internet

Make Money Through Internet

Is there a way to make money through the Internet?


We've all seen the ads floating through cyberspace that claim you can make money by clicking on your mouse, or going to websites, or taking surveys. That vast majority of sites that claim this are scams. Sure, you may make money, but it will be so small of an amount it won't be worth your time.

Make Money Through Internet

There are, however, ways to make money through the Internet. Money making strategies online are not much different than those you would use in the real world. They require a product or service people want or need, along with marketing, advertising, and delivery of this product. Here are a few ways you can make real money through the Internet.

Start An Online Store

Have a product you can make cheap that people will want? Make money throught the Internet by selling it online. Going through a site like eBay, Amazon, or Etsy will offer you free support, little or no setup or site design, and you can be selling the very same day. Simply make sure you follow all the rules and provide the product or service that you say you will.

Start A Blog Or Website

Are you an expert on a subject and want to write about it? Then do it. You can make money through the Internet by writing a website or blog then placing ads on it. This will take a little more knowhow, since you will have to build a website and know how to get it online. Most advertisers will pay you based on how many clicks you get, or if the person who click on the ad purchases some of their goods or services.

Play Video Games

This isn't as easy as it sounds. To make money through the Internet on video games, you will have to play them and sell certain things for real cash online. Many people who play World Of Warcraft do just that. They earn a lot of gold, then sell it to other players for real cash. On the game Second Life, people will perform acts for real cash tips, or give services for real world money.

What To Avoid

Avoid anythings that asks for vital information, like bank accounts and SSNs. They are more than likely scams, and they will steal your information. Also avoid anyone that is asking for a payment in order to learn the "secret." The secret is they got rich selling people like you a "secret" that doesn't work.


أخي الحبيب اعلم أن رأيك يهمنا , فإن كان نقداً فسيجعلنا نصلح من أنفسنا , وإن كان مدحاً فهو وسام على صدورنا , رجاء تجنب استعمال التعليقات لبث روابط إعلانية. كذلك ننبه إلى ضرورة الالتزام بصلب الموضوع و عدم الخروج عليه و لمزيد من التوضيحات يمكنك أخي الزائر قراءة سياسة الاستخدام الخاصة بالمدونة , وتذكر قول الله عز وجل (( مَا يَلْفِظُ مِنْ قَوْلٍ إِلَّا لَدَيْهِ رَقِيبٌ عَتِيدٌ))

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